Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A mother of two...what did I get myself into?

So it has been 5 whole nights and 4 whole days since we had Lydia and I have enjoyed very moment I've had with her. I love newborns. They are so sweet and peaceful and all they do is eat and sleep and poop. Lol. I understand now why I got pregnant so quickly after Delores was born. I look at Lydia and I never want her to grow out of this stage. You just want to sit and stare at her for hours and it kind of makes me sad to know this period of time is very short and it will be a while before I will get to experience this again. I have warned Josh though that no matter how sad I am that our baby is growing up, do not let me get pregnant again. Lol. At least for a few more years anyway.

Delores's introduction went pretty well. She was napping when we got home and we put Lydia in the bouncey seat in the pack n play while she was still napping. When she got up we spent some time with her and she was so happy to see us. She cuddled with us a good bit and then after almost an hour we thought it would be a good idea to make their introduction. Below is a video of the first time they met.
WARNING: this video is 9 mins long. It may become boring but it is a once in a lifetime event for us.

Lydia has been a pretty easy going baby so far. I wasn't expecting anything but to feed, feed, feed until my breastmilk came in. So she has been going about three hours or more in between feedings during the day and every two hours at night. You could say, so far, she kind of has her nights and days mixed up. My milk came in yesterday and it was a little rougher than I imagined it would be. She is kind of a lazy eater. I've been having to change her diaper in between breasts because she falls asleep and wakes about 20 mins later still hungry. Well yesterday she started wanting to be fed for hours at a time. She would fall asleep, I'd lay her down, 10 mins later she would cry to be fed again. I probably breastfed her from 1:30-2:30 and then I just made her stop so we could grab a bite to eat. She still cried in the backseat like she was hungry. Then she ate good around 4:00 and then she ate again at 7:00. When it was time for her to eat again at 10, she did not want to stop. I fed her off and on until 1:30 in the morning. I tried giving her a paci, holding her, rocking her, Josh tried holding her and putting her in the bouncey seat with the vibrating thing on, nothing was working. She would get quiet for a little while and then start crying again. That is the most frustrating thing about being a mother to a newborn. Sometimes they cry and you think "You been fed (plenty), you've been changed, you aren't hot or cold, you've been given gas drops, nothing is poking you anywhere. What else could possibly be wrong?," and they don't answer back. They just keep crying until you are crying yourself.  We finally fell asleep around 2:00. Then she got up at 2:30 to eat. Again. This time she went back to sleep, but Delores got up at 5:00 wanting a bottle. So we were up again. Then we went back to sleep and Lydia went until 7:00 before she wanted to eat again. So I got up at 7:00 and am catching up on my blog, obviously.

Today, I hope will be better. We have Lydia's newborn screening with Amy today where she will weigh her and prick her heal and all that fun stuff. I am going to try to keep Lydia on a 3 hour feeding schedule also and see if that helps with her marathon feeding sessions. Also I am not going to pump today. Yesterday I tried to pump after feedings and I don't know if that had anything to do with her not eating well, but I am not going to take any chances. Even though my boobs feel like they are going to explode.

Mentally I am still nervous about the idea being left alone with two babies and I have had my "Ahhhh!!," moments, but Josh has been very helpful and I am just living in the moment until I have to be faced with the act of being a SAHM of two. Lydia is starting to be a little more predictable during the day also so maybe by the time Josh goes back to work on Friday I will have a little better idea of how to take care of them both. I may also start taking my antidepressant again before Josh goes back so I can get use to it and not be all spaced out. I don't really want to, but I don't want to freak out on the first day Josh is gone and just break down. I don't know. I still haven't decided. I may talk to Amy about it today. In the mean time, if any mommies with multiple children want to give me some sample schedules of their days it would be much appreciated.

Well Lydia is calling. Have a great Tuesday everyone!

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