wow time flies when you have two kids and no sleep. Lydia is three weeks old today. It seems like an eternity ago that I gave birth but it really wasn't that long ago.
Lydia is doing well. She still has a little mucus but it is finally clearing up. The antibiotics I'm taking for my bout with mastitis are making her really fussy and having tummy pains towards the end of the day and night. Her last two feedings before bed are really difficult. She just keeps crying and acting like she's hungry and then cries when I try to feed her. She is burping good so the only thing I can figure is that the meds just aren't agreeing with her. Only 7 more days left of the antibiotic. Woo! yeah right. So Josh and I haven't been getting to bed until 11 or 12 at night, which may not be late for some people, but when I have to get up with her in the middle of the night and feed her and Josh has to get up at 4:30 for work it is late. She is also going through that phase where she doesn't want to be put down. I get her to sleep finally and try to lay her down and she throws a fit. This is the hardest part of being a mother of two. Because I NEED to lay her down so I can take care of Delores and give her some attention too.
Delores, as you can expect, is getting really fed up with me and with the baby and not getting attention and the things she needs when she wants them. She has picked up her annoying whining again, which I cannot stand, but I get why she is doing it. She has also started biting me and her temper tantrums have reached an all time high. It is a very stressful time and to be honest I wish I had something else for her to do besides hang around me all day, but she is too young for most programs and everyone is too busy with their own lives to help during the week. On a positive note she is doing great during the night. She is officially sleeping through the night at 14 months old. Wow. Finally!
I would tell you all about how I'm doing but I'm sure you can probably tell. Sleep deprived, irritable, have a pounding headache from lack of sleep, ready to pull my hair out, and searching for the little pleasures in life like doing my blog (which I'm not even enjoying bc Lydia wont let me lay her down), expecting new packages in the mail, decorating Lydia's room, adult interaction, nap time, watching "sex in the city," and sleep.
I would write a whole lot more, but Delores is crying in her room, and the pull between this, Lydia, and her is getting to be too much for me.
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