It feels like it's been forever since I was able to post. I'm so glad I can get some "me," time without the kiddies. Although I would have chosen to get a little more sleep, but after feeding Lydia our insane neighbor let out his annoyingly loud dog at 6:30 and ruined my changes to get anymore sleep. I'll write about our issues with he and his wife a little later.
Where do I begin? Delores and Lydia and both still sick. Delores hasn't finished her antibiotic yet though and the new doctor opted not to do anything for Lydia. The new pediatrician was interesting. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was really not impressed. I met with a nurse practitioner which was my first problem. Not that there is anything wrong with NP's, but I really would like to meet with a Doctor for a change. The NP was kind of a bitch (for lack of a better word). She practically put me down for not wanting to vaccinate my children and we almost got into with each other in the office. Whatever. I wasn't even gonna bother with them if they made a big deal over vaccines but the receptionist promised me over the phone that it would be my choice and they wouldn't force me to do it. Looks like she was mistaken. The only thing I liked was that they have a lactation consultant on site available for free and medela breast pump items for sale for cheaper than babies r us. Lydia has her one month check up in two weeks and if I'm still not comfortable I guess I'll just have to find someone else.
Sleep has been going great for Delores. Oh my goodness, it is like a dream. For four nights in a row we didn't hear one peep out of her. Last night she got up one time, but I don't blame her for that because when Josh went in to rescue her he couldn't even find her paci. I had to hand him one out of the emergency stash. Yes, I stash pacis just for situations such as those. Lydia has gone to waking up every 4 hours instead of every 5 hours to eat. It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't so hard to get back to sleep. Then after she goes to sleep I have to pump or by the next time she gets up I'd be in pain.
Speaking of pumping. I am proud to say as of right now I have 163 ounces of pumped breast milk in my freezer. Woo hoo! She is only 2 weeks old. I don't know how long I'm gonna keep it going but I have a feeling our freezer is gonna run out of room very quickly. Josh jokes we will have to buy another freezer for all the breast milk, but honestly if I keep going like I have been (three 6 ounce bottles a day) we will have to do something. I had such a hard time with low milk supply and pumping for Delores so she could eat while I was at school and then feeling guilty when I had to stop when I got pregnant that I have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
Yesterday was the first day I was alone with the girls all day long and it went pretty good. Delores got a little jealous for attention and wanted to be held more than usual. Lydia wanted to eat and fuss at inconvenient times, but that's what you got to do. I was able to do a little housework, the dishes and one load of laundry. The girls got fed and didn't go hungry. Delores had a nap. Lydia survived her sister's attempt to "play," with her. I didn't have a meltdown or scream at the kids, so overall I think it was a pretty good day.
Home life is going pretty good. Last week before Josh went back to work he insisted we stop and get my birthday present early, but they were out of stock so Monday I got my new iPhone via fed ex. I was excited about that. Yesterday the Ups man brought Lydia's bedding so I am super excited about that. I can't wait to get started on her nursery. We took the guest bed down last week, so it is primed for my creativity. Decorating is my joy. If I could be am interior decorator I would, but there is no school for it around here. So right now I get my jollies from decorating and renovating my house during the warm months and planning the decorations and renovations during the cold months. I love that my house is always a work in progress. I wouldn't have it any other way. When I can say "okay I'm done," then it will be time to move. Lol. So anyway, since we got her bedding, we will be painting her room this weekend. Also her dresser, crib, and curtains have all been shipped so we might be putting together furniture too if it arrives today or tomorrow. We still need to go shopping for all the extras like a mattress and changing table pad and things like that, but I don't see how we can fit it it unless Josh stays here and I go shopping. He probably will want to go with me though so we might be making a late trip to babies r us. Which will be fine with me, so I have something to look forward to all week.
Josh is doing good. He is missing the girls a lot. He went through this with Delores though when she was first born. He realizes how important family is and how much he doesn't get to see us now that we have a new baby in the house and he kind of gets a little defiant towards his job. He took the job because he wanted to be happy with what he was doing, and he does love driving a tow truck, but now his priorities have changed. It is a phase, because once Lydia gets a little older he'll want to go back to doing what he loves to be happy. It's a man thing I think. They get satisfaction out of their jobs because they are ingrained to be providers.
Josh and I are doing good. We are offically sharing a bed again and it is great. Just like I had hoped, I can sleep straight through the snoring now that I'm not pregnant. I feel closer to him just being back in the same room. We are still adjusting to the lack of sleep and normally we pass out as soon as Lydia goes to sleep at night and don't do a lot of talking, but that will change the older she gets. Before long she will be on a schedule too and in bed by 7 so Josh and I can have our couple time. Till then we will just make do with grunts and one-word answers. Lol
I know I have probably forgotten some things that went on this week. I will really try to post more frequently if I have time. Right now Lydia's schedule is still all over the place and I am too sleep deprived to just get up on my own early and miss out on some extra sleep where I can.
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