Monday, March 28, 2011

start of a busy week

Morning all! Today is Monday after a long weekend and I'm excited to get this week started and over with.

Overall the weekend went pretty well. My in laws came and got Delores Saturday and I got some cleaning done around the house. Bathrooms, sweeping and moping, and just putting away stuff that accumulates throughout the week. I also went to Target, even though I thought I was just gonna stay inside because of the nasty weather. I got a hamper, a night light, a lampshade, and a piggy bank for Lydia's room. I got Delores 2 summer outfits and I bought myself more breast milk storage bags and a closet organizer that holds shoes since our shoes usually flow out into the middle of our bedroom floor or into the foyer. After I got back from Target I got all that stuff unpacked and put away and worked on Lydia's wall painting fr a little while. I got the outline drawn on the wall and then took a break. After all that it was close to 7 and I had to put Delores to bed and start consoling Lydia from her nightly screaming fit.

Yesterday was Josh's birthday, but he was on call and didn't get to do anything really for it. Josh's mom and sister came and got Delores for church since I can't seem to get ready in time with two little ones and I can't get them both out of the house at the same time. I worked on diapers till it was time for church to get out and then I headed over to "Stax's," to meet some of Josh's family from out of town for lunch. Shortly after I got there my wild one and her entourage showed up and all 14 of us visited for about 2 hours. Delores still wasn't feeling well and it was time for her nap so she was throwing fits left and right. I had a lot of help taking her mind of her unhappiness though so I didn't get too stressed out by her behavior. Josh was able to show up right after we got our food and he got to eat with us and be embarrassed by a huge piece of chocolate mouse cake, a birthday candle, and some loud "happy birthday," singers. Then we left and came home. Delores took a very short nap and then we did our normal play, dinner, bath, bed routine. After she went to bed I started working on the wall painting again and got a good chunk of it done. However, for the life of me I could not think of how to mix brown, so after it dried and I stared at it for a long time I decided I hated the color and now I have to repaint it. It will just bug me to death if I don't. I "bing(ed)," how to mix brown paint though, so I'm good and I'll get it right this time. lol. I just don't know when I'm gonna get around to it. Besides that Lydia's room is so cute. I have to get a shelf, finish painting the wall, put up some picture frames, paint a lamp, and make a slipcover for the rocking chair, but other than that the nursery is almost done. lol. Well the big stuff is in there. I'm just working on the accessories now. Lydia did good and we didn't have any screaming that night so I got a lot done. Which I will have to redo again. lol.

So this week is going to be pretty eventful. Today I am going to see "Prince," with my mom while Josh takes care of the girls. Tomorrow Lydia has her 6 week check up with Amy. Wednesday my dad is suppose to come and clean the carpets in the girls' rooms and our living room furniture (he steam cleans carpets for a living). Thursday and Friday I think I'm clear and then Saturday is Josh's birthday celebration day. We still aren't sure if I will be going with him to the shooting range yet because I have to make him dinner, but I'm gonna try to make it work where I have everything prepped and ready to just throw together or just pop in the over after we get home. We will see. I'm so excite to see Josh's reaction when I give him his gun though. He is going to be so surprised. Yay! Okay, so anyway, Sunday is church and then Monday something else very exciting happens, but I can't say just yet what it is. I will say that Josh won't have to work weekends anymore after Monday. =)

Well it is time to start our day. Poor Delores is in her room coughing and being miserable. I hate it when my kids are sick. I hope they feel better soon. Have a good Monday everyone!

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