Monday, April 4, 2011

the colic mystery solved?

Well another weekend has come and gone. It seems like it almost didn't happen it went by so quickly.

Friday went pretty well. Josh got home early because it was his last day. Yes he is officially not working for Hawkins Towing anymore. We just couldn't take the hours he was working so he found a job at Fed Ex driving for a guy there. It's something he always wanted to do and now he's doing it and I'm proud of him for making it work. Now he can be happy that he is doing something he loves and i can be happy that he will be working normal hours and will get to see the girls.

Saturday was Josh's birthday celebration day and I finally decided I was going to go, but then we realized that in order for us to get back to cook dinner and eat at a decent hour we would have to leave around 10. Well miss Delores takes a nap at 11:30 and doesn't get up till 1, so that kind of meant that I had to stay home to make sure she got her nap. Otherwise she would've gone all day with out one. So he and his dad went by themselves and they had a great time. Delores' second cousin Kayla was up from Columbia and wanted to keep her so she went with her around 2. Josh got home shortly after that and we kind of piddled around the house till it was time for me to cook. Then we had an amazing dinner and dessert.

Sunday we went to church, had lunch, went to walmart, came home and did some cleaning. We had a little scare with Delores. She was walking around eating grapes and got choked. I guess it went down the wrong way or something because she was coughing but she couldn't get it up. When Josh and I went over to help her she puked on Josh's hand. I grabbed her before she was done and kind of help her over the floor so she wouldn't puke all over her shirt and then I took her to the tub to clean her up. I was pretty impressed with the way I handled myself. I've always had a phobia of vomit, but I guess when it's your kid your instincts just kind of take over and you don't have time to think about it. After I got her all cleaned up and made sure she wasn't traumatized I cleaned up the puke. Something I never thought I would ever be able to do either. The rest of the day went good and we got to bed at a decent hour. Oh and Ava got out of the fence while we were gone. I'm not sure how. She's a digger so we keep her on a chain and everything was still intact and she was still wearing her collar, but we couldn't get her to come back in. We would call her or get close to her and she would just turn around and run. I got up this morning to feed Lydia and she still wouldn't come in at 5 am. She finally showed up at 2 pm this afternoon and she went straight in her cage without her bed. It wouldn't be such a big deal if she weren't such a bully but she prances around the neighborhood barking at neighbors in their own yards. It's so embarrassing and there is nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I really wish I could give her away but she is such a priss I doubt anyone would take her. Oh well

Delores has been very whiney lately. She throws a fit for everything and I'm starting to wonder if there is reason why. Like maybe she is get to do something other places that I won't let her do at the house. Like flipping over on the changing table or trying to take my glasses off my face or wanting to be picked up all the time or not wanting to sit in her high chair to eat. I don't know, but she is throwing fits about every 3 minutes. It really is ridiculous.

Lydia is doing much better. I finally cut my coffee out Saturday when Josh was here to help me in the morning and I could tell a huge improvement that day. That night and last night we were in bed by 10 with hardly any crying at all. Today is day 3 of no coffee so we will see how tonight goes. I cheated on my no dairy diet because Josh's birthday dinner was just one big cow product Saturday night, and I think I'm paying for it today a little.

This week I don't really have any plans. I have to make some phone calls and set up some appointments, but it should be a pretty boring week. Hope everyone else's week is as laid back as mine!

1 comment:

  1. What is going on with Delores is normal...Riley started that around that age. He would figure out a way to stand up in his high chair so he would not have to sit in it and would throw a fit in shopping carts and stuff like that. Riley also started grabbing everything that was mine like my phone, camera, glasses...i hate to say that it doesn't go away lol because then the terrible twos hit.


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