Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday and 11 days

Well here we are at hump day. I feel like sometimes I'll never make it this far, but then I always do and I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm pretty proud of myself this week. I have gotten up before Delores to have some me time everyday and done this blog. I can tell how much it has made a difference too. I am not a morning person and I would rather sleep in, but being able to get up and motivated and not have to stress has really put a positive spin on my day (for the most part).

Yesterday, as I mentioned, I had my 38 week check up but before that I had to make a trip to Walmart. I swear that place is the devil. It appears as if it is an awesome place because they have everything at really low prices, but that is just to suck you in and then torture you while you are there. It took me 2 hours to buy groceries and I spent almost $200 on just the necessities and I felt like I had been hit by a truck after I was done. It made me 20 mins late to my midwife appointment because no matter how hard you try you just cannot get out of Walmart in a timely manner. I hate Walmart! But what am I suppose to do, they have the cheapest prices and they have everything and we have to eat. Maybe that will be my 3rd goal; Find and alternative to Walmart. Anyone have any suggestion please let me know. On a lighter note I did get all the stuff for my birth and for the baby. So no more stressing out that the baby is gonna come and I won't be ready.

My actual appointment went good. I was Strep B negative. Hemoglobin good. Perfect blood pressure. Perfect urine. Fundal height at 35 cm because the baby has dropped and some news that she will probably be bigger than Delores and we are shooting for the earliest due date, the 13th. At one time my due date was any where from the 13th to the 20th, so I am glad she will be here very soon. Eleven days as a matter of fact. Oh my goodness when I say it like that reality really sinks in.

The rest of yesterday was pretty normal except for being stressed about running late and not being able to drop my prescriptions off at the hospital and pick them up after I was done with my appointment. It worked out though because the said they couldn't get fill them till tomorrow (today) anyway because they would have to order them from the L&D floor. Amy (my midwife) said she had a ton of extras too, so if I deliver before I pick up the prescriptions it will be okay. After all that I was in a ton of pain and thought "surely if this baby is ready to come it will be here tonight." But, alas, no labor. Just some painful, and now annoying, BH.

Have a great hump day and groundhogs day (anyone know what happen with that little guy this morning? i don't watch the news [different blog on that another day]).

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