Wednesday, February 9, 2011

what I'll miss about being pregnant...4 days to go!

Good morning! and it is an early morning here in the Lewis house. Delores got up hurting and wanting a bottle at 6:30 so I just stayed up. I hope this doesn't wear me out today, but I'm in a good mood so I'm staying hopeful.

Yesterday went pretty well with the exception of Delores's naps. She has been doing really well with her naps for a while. Two naps a day for at least an hour. Sometimes and hour and a half. Yesterday I don't know what happened. Her two naps were 30 minutes long a piece. This really threw me off. Normally this would be a whole lot more upsetting, but since I've cut down on the stuff I do around the house due to my ability to do it, it only bothered me because I wanted to rest. I have a rule though. She stays in bed during naps for an hour and she stays in bed in the morning until 8:00 even if she isn't sleeping. It doesn't hurt her and it teaches her to follow expectations.

My appointment went great. She said the baby was in perfect position, the head was low, I was measuring 39 cm so she should be around 8 pounds. Everything was good and she expects we will be having this baby this weekend or the first of the week. Woo hoo! I have not had any significant symptoms yet, but I am staying hopeful that we will have a new baby by Tuesday at the latest.

Some things I've been trying to think of to help me get through the last few days are what I'm going to miss about being pregnant. I'm gonna miss:
--feeling her move inside of me
--not having a period
--bigger boobs without leaking
--being able to sit food on top of my belly for my own personal serving tray
--getting to wear whatever I want w/o makeup and not feeling frumpy
--the little sleep I do get is still more than when I will be up nursing a newborn
--having an excuse not to do certain household chores
--most people say "getting to eat whatever I want," but I am actually more health conscious when I'm pregnant and don't allow myself a lot of junk, fast food, or sweets. I will miss my cravings though. A lot of times I am indifferent about what I eat, but actually having a craving for something makes it easier to decide what I will eat.
--being the only person who can take care of her right now. I love the help, but when she's still inside of me it is just me and her and no one can take my place.

Well we have 4 days to go, so I'm gonna go ahead and get this day started. Tomorrow I am suppose to have a chiropractor appointment but I don't think I am going to go. It just hurt way too bad and Amy said there is really no need unless I'm just in pain and need it. It should be a pretty normal and routine rest of the week until little one gets here. Have a good Wednesday!

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