Thursday, April 21, 2011

government's control

Morning! Today is Thursday I think. This week has been so hectic it feels like it should be Friday or Saturday even, but no. It is only Thursday.

So yesterday my mom came to watch the babies with grandma because grandma couldn't watch even one baby by herself. I went to the health department to get a pap smear and talk to them about getting an IUD since we want to wait about 3 years before we try for a boy. Well they told me I could not get an IUD because I didn't want to wait at least 10 years before trying for another one. Well I can't use hormonal birth control and I'm allergic to latex so I guess our only option is to just keep having kids or sleep in separate bedrooms. Yes I know they make non latex contraceptives, but have you seen the price of those things? Beside we aren't very effective with those. How do you think we got Lydia so quickly? Anyway, it just reminded of how the government tries to control everything we do. Yeah we are suppose to be free people who get to have as many kids as we want when we want, but in actuality they don't want you to have any kids and try to guilt you into giving up your plans so you can get the contraceptive you want. The most frustrating thing about having kids is not the kids. It's the physicians, the government, and the family trying to influence you into thinking a different way. I called josh in the waiting room as I stared at the huge NO CELLPHONES sign and told him they wouldn't give me an IUD and he said "well I guess we will just have two more kids and they can pay for your and their medical care instead of giving you an IUD." Funny, but he's right. They could spend $500 to give me an IUD or they can spend about $20,000 for me to have two more kids. Ridiculous. Just keep an ear out and don't be surprised if I say "oops, I'm pregnant again," before the 3 years are up.

Today I got up at 6:30 because I wanted to get use to getting up earlier before I had to do it on Monday. It is different and I want to go back to bed so bad, but I have to do this so I might as well make the best of it. The hardest part is getting up and not drinking coffee to get me going. Josh was brewing a fresh pot this morning when I got up and it almost drove me crazy. Boo.

I don't really have any plans for today. My grandma is coming back over around 11 so I guess I'll just put up with her till she leaves. She has gotten a lot done around the house since she's been here. She's cleaned out my toaster oven and microwave, done about 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the hall bathroom, swept the house, and swept our front stoop. Today she plans to mop. I'll have to find something else for her to do, but I'm running out of stuff and we still have 4 days till she goes back home. I wonder if she'll wash my car or mow the grass? I'm just kidding. I wouldn't make her do that. Well if she asked me if she could I might let her. Lol.

Well I'm starting to get a headache from looking at the computer screen, but I'll write tomorrow if I can pull myself out of bed at 6:30 again.

Have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. that is super crazy about the birth control thing...they are pushing me to get the IUD at the Greenville clinic and i'm scared to death to get it...but every time i turn around they are yet again shoving it in my face that this is what i maybe try greenville lol...they might give you some better luck...are you on medicaid? i could give you the number to that clnic if you needed it.


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