Friday, May 20, 2011

Midnight and fig faced

So it's midnight and I'm up eating fig newtons like they are about to stop making them.

My neighbor's dog started barking off an on around 10 and really started picking up at 11:30. I had to wake poor Josh up to call our neighbor and see if he could put the dog up so she wouldn't wake the girls and I could get some sleep. At first I thought he was doing it to be spiteful because Ava got out today and terrorized the neighborhood. Turns out he wasn't even home. So I got up and came to watch some "Sex and the City," on my dvr till he get home and puts the dog up. Our bedroom window is right beside their backyard so I can't stay in the bedroom or I'd just get more and more frustrated with every bark.

So did you know I was an idiot? Apparently I had to go to work to see that. I don't even know where to begin. My boss is just one of those people you can't please no matter what you do. I do what he asks me to one day and then he complains because I did what he asked me to the next day. My confidence is dwindling and I'm afraid to speak to him because I'm tired of getting scolded for just doing what he asked me to do. I'm not a mind reader, you know? When I don't have confidence in myself my work goes to pot. I don't want to quit because I do like what I do and it is good experience and I need a good reference on my resume. But really, how long can I go on being talked to like I'm a kindergartner and keep a decent amount of good self esteem. Ugh. I guess I'm just going to have to develop some thick skin and throw it back at him.

Well the dog has stopped and that is all I have energy for tonight. Maybe I'll write tomorrow about my other daily adventures. We'll see. Goodnight

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