I’ve talked a good talk about taking more time for myself and finding myself again but really have yet to do that. I have cycles where I’m okay and I push through the day-to-day responsibilities as long as I can and then something happens that pushes me over the edge and I have a mini emotional meltdown. Much like any other emotional problem. If you ignore something that is bothering you long enough eventually it will come to the surface in an ugly way.
My problem is that I have two different personalities, which often battle it out for my immediate attention. My Type A personality usually wins because it deals more with my day-to-day activities of taking care of the girls and the house. My artistic personality suffers but will obviously not let me forget that I need time to express myself creatively. The problem occurs when I let my Type A personality takes precedence over my creative, artistic personality for too long and then I have an inner battle, which presents itself into a whiny emotional wreck.
However, I’ve realized that for me to be able to express my self creatively and take time for myself without guilt or without forgetting my other responsibilities I need my Type A personality to set that up.
Lately I’ve been talking about goals and resolutions. Things that don’t work and things I want to change. Now that I’ve done all that background work here is my official list of resolutions compiled from my list on my last post Little Confessions. Just 24 days late for the New Year.
1. Get out of my comfort zone and make new friends and kindle old friendships. Be myself more and don’t be afraid of what people think.
I’m the worst at making myself believe that I’m not interesting enough to be like and I’d just be better off not trying than being let down. What I’ve discovered is that a bad interaction with someone who may not like me very much is better than no interaction at all with anyone older than the age of 4. Not everyone is going to like me and I’m okay with that because I have a heavenly Father who loves me just the way I am when no one else will.
2. Let myself go to do new things and not get caught up in failure.
I get caught up in failing at something before I even try. I miss out on some good things because I’m just afraid it won’t turn out right or I’ll be embarrassed. I was reminded recently however, when my dear husband took to the ice with his 4 year old to give her an experience she had been begging for at least a year, that it doesn’t matter if you fail or if you look ridiculous it is the experience and the fact that you tried that really matters.
3. Get over my guilt to take care of myself emotionally.
I’m human. I have needs and that is ok. If my husband wants to splurge on me, I need to let him. If I need new shoes, clothes, makeup, purse, whatever, I need to just accept it and enjoy it. As long as Josh and I discuss it and checked our budget first.
4. I have to find a doctor that will take my seriously and care enough to figure out what is going wrong with me. Regardless of price.
I cannot go on much longer riding a hormonally emotional and painful rollercoaster. Something has to be done this year!
Oh and I must eat more chocolate and other things I enjoy and won’t let myself buy. After all, I’m 10 pounds underweight.
5. I want to work toward finding a career that I can do from home.
I will be going back to school to pursue Accounting, Interior Design AND Photography. Because I can and those are the things I enjoy doing. Of course this is going to take more than a year to accomplish but starting this year I will enroll somewhere and start taking classes towards one of those careers.
6. After thinking and researching and praying about being a teacher I have decided against pursuing it. I am a homeschooler and I need to accept that.
But not because I couldn’t handle it (Josh-u-a) but because my heart just doesn’t lay with a school system. If I won’t send my kids to school then why would I want to be part of it? I can’t change it unless I want to go hardcore on being a career woman, not teach my kids at home and be on the school board. So I just need to get over it. It’s just not who I am.
7. I need to start looking at my life as building my experience to equip me to speak out to others.
I’d like to be a speaker one day but first I have to gain some life experiences that will give me the credentials so people will listen to me. Yeah, I’ve gone through some heavy stuff, but I’m still young. While I have overcome many battles and struggles through Jesus Christ I still have many more to go. My prayer is that God continues to remind me that his purpose for my trials and hardships is to form a testimony for other people to hear to bring glory to Him.
8. I have to get into nature more and drag my family along with me.
No more whining and complaining Josh! We are going to be out in the hot and we will get dirty and bug bitten and sweaty and I can’t wait. But please don’t make me do it until it gets warmer. Lol.
9. I need to enjoy my home more.
Living with concrete floors for a while is ok but it isn’t pleasing to me. I realize that decorating every room in a house takes money but I refuse to be okay with the fact that I don’t love the way my house looks. When we first moved in here we thought it would be our starter home. Five years tops. Then we lost our jobs, went back on our credit cards and had 2 kids. So much for that. But instead of saying “I hate it here. I can’t wait till we can move.” I’ve decided that I’m ready to accept that I’m going to be here a while and I need to enjoy it by making it my own.
Besides if I’m going to do this Interior design thing I need to start building a portfolio. What better way to start than with my own home?
10. Take more chances and try new things.
I don’t know what to do with myself during my free time because I don’t take enough chances and try new things so that I can find things I enjoy doing by myself or with my husband.
Also, I need to not fret so much over a clean house, empty laundry baskets and perfect meals my kids won’t even eat in the first place. As long as everyone has clean clothes, a full belly and can find what they are looking for the rest doesn’t matter. These are not the things children and family remember anyway (unless they are just that vain). They remember the feelings of the times we spent together. And that is important.
It all boils down to this: I need more quality time with myself to do things I enjoy and to develop my identity again. If I do that, I’ll be a happy mom and wife. Then I will have a happy family. And a happy family has more fun and makes better memories. Better memories gives hope for a wonderful future. And a wonderful future means grandkids, retirement, travel and unlimited date nights! But it all starts with me.
So bring it on 2014. I WILL tackle life’s attempts to keep me down. Starting with indoor rock climbing tomorrow on our new tradition of monthly date night.
Oh yeah. Bring. It. On.
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