Thursday, April 21, 2011

government's control

Morning! Today is Thursday I think. This week has been so hectic it feels like it should be Friday or Saturday even, but no. It is only Thursday.

So yesterday my mom came to watch the babies with grandma because grandma couldn't watch even one baby by herself. I went to the health department to get a pap smear and talk to them about getting an IUD since we want to wait about 3 years before we try for a boy. Well they told me I could not get an IUD because I didn't want to wait at least 10 years before trying for another one. Well I can't use hormonal birth control and I'm allergic to latex so I guess our only option is to just keep having kids or sleep in separate bedrooms. Yes I know they make non latex contraceptives, but have you seen the price of those things? Beside we aren't very effective with those. How do you think we got Lydia so quickly? Anyway, it just reminded of how the government tries to control everything we do. Yeah we are suppose to be free people who get to have as many kids as we want when we want, but in actuality they don't want you to have any kids and try to guilt you into giving up your plans so you can get the contraceptive you want. The most frustrating thing about having kids is not the kids. It's the physicians, the government, and the family trying to influence you into thinking a different way. I called josh in the waiting room as I stared at the huge NO CELLPHONES sign and told him they wouldn't give me an IUD and he said "well I guess we will just have two more kids and they can pay for your and their medical care instead of giving you an IUD." Funny, but he's right. They could spend $500 to give me an IUD or they can spend about $20,000 for me to have two more kids. Ridiculous. Just keep an ear out and don't be surprised if I say "oops, I'm pregnant again," before the 3 years are up.

Today I got up at 6:30 because I wanted to get use to getting up earlier before I had to do it on Monday. It is different and I want to go back to bed so bad, but I have to do this so I might as well make the best of it. The hardest part is getting up and not drinking coffee to get me going. Josh was brewing a fresh pot this morning when I got up and it almost drove me crazy. Boo.

I don't really have any plans for today. My grandma is coming back over around 11 so I guess I'll just put up with her till she leaves. She has gotten a lot done around the house since she's been here. She's cleaned out my toaster oven and microwave, done about 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the hall bathroom, swept the house, and swept our front stoop. Today she plans to mop. I'll have to find something else for her to do, but I'm running out of stuff and we still have 4 days till she goes back home. I wonder if she'll wash my car or mow the grass? I'm just kidding. I wouldn't make her do that. Well if she asked me if she could I might let her. Lol.

Well I'm starting to get a headache from looking at the computer screen, but I'll write tomorrow if I can pull myself out of bed at 6:30 again.

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

just some thoughts

Good morning! It's been a while since I wrote so I'd just like to give an update on my life's adventures.

First of all I would like to say that I still do not apologize for my last post, but my life has taken a turn for the better. I mentioned that for once I would like things to really just be fine for me and now they almost are. I got a part time job working 24 hours a week. Three 8 hour days as a paralegal at Yokel law firm in downtown Greenville. I am really excited about this because I get to put my paralegal degree to good use after almost a year from when I graduated. I am also really nervous for that same reason. It has been almost a year since I used my legal jargon and had to think in a completely different way other than just being a mom. I hope I can remember everything I've learned and not make a fool out of myself and of the Greenville Tech paralegal program. I am ready for this next chapter in my life even though it is bittersweet. I was with Delores pretty much everyday of her 16 months of life. I will be missing 3 out of 7 days of Lydia's. I'm sure I will be fine once I get started though.

Also Josh did not have to go to training in Raleigh this week. He was the only person to sign up for the class so they canceled it. So he is schedule to go to training next week in Georgia instead. GE is still looking promising. Yesterday he had a series of computer tests he had to take and they will let him know if he goes on to the next test on Friday. If he gets the job he will be working as a welder which is something he really enjoys doing. So the next test involves actual welding. He is pretty excited about it, but we are still not getting our hopes up because we are not there yet. Either way we will be fine and grateful for what God has blessed us with.

As far as how things are going around the house. Well I have been sick for over a week and the girls have been sick since this weekend. Josh is fine of course. The man never gets sick, thank God. Lydia started sleeping 9 hours at a time at night so I'm getting a full nights sleep. She doesn't have colic anymore, but it is still hard to get her to sleep at night. It is getting better though. We normally are in bed by 10 so I can't really complain about that. I'll just be glad when she adjusts to an early bed time so Josh and I can get some "us," time again.

My grandmother is in town from Willmington, North Carolina and his always puts a bit of stress on me. She isn't a maternal person and won't even offer to change a diaper while she's here. She puts way more importance on cleanliness than I have time to do and always makes me feel guilty for not having a spotless house on top of taking care of two kids under 1 and a half years. But instead of getting stressed and trying to break my back and ignore the girls, I put her to work. If a spotless house is that important to her, she can clean it herself.

She also is very backwoods country and has absolutely no consideration for other peoples' lives. The other day We went to the grocery store and left her here and my brother and dad showed up while we were gone and let them in our house without us here. Our house is not a coffee shop for people to gather at and socialize when ever they want. She of course sees no problem with it and neither do they obviously. Just to give you an idea, she invited her entire family to my small backyard wedding. I didn't send them an invitation and they did come. Thankfully I had enough food and cake to cater to the extra mouths.

Another annoying thing she's been doing is that she wants to go with me to get some of my stuff out of my dad's basement before it gets ruined and she just assumes we can just jump in the car and go at any time. Well what am I suppose to do with the girls? Where am I going to put the boxes in my car and who is going to help me carry those heavy boxes? Oh well I guess we will figure that out when we get there.

She leaves on Monday and I will be counting down the days. I love her because she is my grandmother, but she has some many annoying habits she turns me into this frigid mean person whenever she is around. She has so many rude characteristics it would take a short novel to tell about them all. And she has been saying she is going to move back down here for the last 2 years. I'm to the point where I just want to say "well do it already or be quiet about it." Just like she claims she's going to stop giving my brother and dad money to live off of. Well I'm sick of hearing your sob stories of how they are sucking you dry. Just top giving them money already and be done with. Geeze. Anyway, I know this kind of turned into a grandma bashing post but she is always here so that is really all I have time to think about.

So life is good right now and we are so grateful. We are about to start new chapters in our lives and I can't wait and I would just like to say thank you to all of our family who have help us with the girls and been patient with us while I went back to school and been pregnant. Words cannot explain how grateful we are to have such a helpful family to get us through these years when we took the time to better ourselves and grow our family.

Have a good rest of the week everyone!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the secret to loosing that baby weight

Every time I go out into public with Lydia people are always commenting on how I don't look like I just had a baby. Some are nice comments about how good I look or what my secret is. But some comments are actually mean. Like telling me to eat a cheeseburger or "geeze just gain an ounce already." So ladies I'm gonna tell you what the secret to my success is because obviously it is a secret.

1.  Eat healthy when you are pregnant. It is a common misconception that you can eat whatever you want when you are pregnant. Well yeah you can, but you gotta work all those extra pounds off after you give birth. Yes I understand pregnant women have cravings. I craved frosties and pickles this last pregnancies, so I allowed myself a jr. frosty no more than 2 times a week and found another way to get my craving fix in a healthy way. Like chocolate milk for example.

2.  Give birth naturally. C-sections don't release the same type of hormones that tell your body to get rid of all that extra stuff that came with being pregnant.

3.  Breast feed and don't supplement under any circumstances for the first 6 weeks.  During the first 6 weeks the new baby takes in all your stored up calories. If you don't breast feed or you supplement with formula then those calories just stay with you.

4.  Eat a lot when you breast feed. If you try to diet while breast feeding your body will store calories much more easily because it wants to make sure you have enough calories to feed the baby and keep you healthy. In fact you may actually gain weight if you try to diet. I did when I tried to diet with Delores.

5.  If you weren't skinny before you got pregnant you may not get skinny after you give birth. Except it and embrace it. Okay well that isn't a step or a secret but it's a fact.

So that's what I got. That's my little secret to loosing baby weight. But it really is no secret. Just use your body the way God intended you to and it'll just fall off.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

negative and I don't care

Hello folks! It's another day in the land of Lewis and one day closer to the weekend that I just realized Josh will be here for. Yay!

Yesterday was pretty good. Josh was training with a different guy that he was suppose to be filling in for next week when he got some interesting news. To get on at Fed Ex you have to have a years worth of truck driving experience. Well we thought he had that cover, but apparently the stipulation is that it has to have been within the last 3 years. He missed that deadline by just a few months. So we now have two options:
1.  Go back to work for Hawkins for a few months, =0, and as Josh put it, would be a horrible idea.

2. Go to driving school in Raleigh, NC for an entire week, and leave me and the girls home alone. Oh and did I mention this just happens to be the same week my ill mannered, unhelpful, grandmother will be in town and at my house

Another twist on this is that about 2 months ago Josh applied to GE and just this past Friday, the day he quit Hawkins, they sent him an email saying they were interested.

So have decided to plan on driving school but still reply to GE. If GE doesn't offer by the time the trip comes, then it wasn't meant to be. We just feel that God has put this obstacle in our path for a reason and we have to give him the chance to show us what he wants us to do. Even though Fed Ex is a guaranteed job and he wouldn't miss a paycheck we still have to take a chance to be shown the way.  Either way we will be happy and blessed.

The rest of my day, short of that unexpected news, was pretty good. Josh got home early at 3:30 just in time for Delores' daily meltdown. I really enjoyed have Josh home that early. Night time is always so much more chaotic with both babies screaming their demands.

Today was mixed. The first part of the day was not bad. My mom came over to watch Delores while I went to the health department to do WIC stuff for Lydia and she stayed till about 4:30. After she left things fell apart. Lydia wanted to fuss while I had to make Delores dinner and feed her dinner and give her a bath and put her to bed. Josh was not here to help out because he was training with his boss today on his route which takes two and a half hours longer than what we were promised. Yay. So I kind of fell apart. I'm just so sick of him not being here. For 7 months I kept my mouth shut about how I hated the hours he worked at Hawkins because I wanted him to be happy with what he was doing and now we are going through it again. I'm tired of being promised something like I'm being tricked into agreeing with this craziness and then being left to take care of the girls all day by myself. Yeah I'm happy Josh doesn't have to work every other weekend any more, but I'll be so tired and frustrated from practically being a single mother during the week all I'm going to want to do is be alone. What's that saying? A happy mom is a happy home? Yeah right. As long as every once else is happy with their lives that's all that matters. So Josh is in the living room doing his thing and I'm in the bedroom doing mine.

I guess only time will tell, but right now, sorry to say, I am just not in a positive mood about this whole thing. And you know what? I don't care that I'm not being all "oh it'll be okay. I'll just be strong and put on a smile and everything will be fine." Because every once in a while I just want everything to really, truely, be fine for me and not everyone around me.

Goodnight world.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

project updates

Happy Tuesday!

Josh's first day of work went well. He trained with his dad so he had a pretty fun day. They always enjoy each others company no matter what they are doing. He got off around 3 and if it weren't for his errand running he would have been home by 3:30. He still got home by 5, so that was very nice. Usually I don't see him until sometime between 6 and 7. Today he is training with his dad again and should get home earlier than that. Although I'm not getting my hopes up. Things can come up to keep him from getting home early.

I got some phone calls made so I felt I accomplished some things. I still have to call G-ville Tech and see what the hold up is on my degree. We owed them money so I didn't get it right after I finished up my classes, but we paid them about a month ago and still have not heard anything about it. They said they were going to mail out  blue card when it was ready to be picked up, but so far, no blue card.

Lydia had another good night and we were in bed by 10 again. So I'm pretty sure the culprit of the screaming at night was coffee. She slept until 3:30 and then go up this morning at 7:30. I'm having it pretty easy with her compare to Delores now that we've discovered what all the screaming was about. I can't help but feel a little guilty though because she still sleeps all the time during the day. I feel like I should be stimulating her somehow, but she never seems to be awake long enough to do anything with her. I feel bad, but the poor girl hasn't even had a bath in a week because she's either asleep or I'm busy with Delores.

Well there wasn't much else to report, but I did want to give an update on all my projects.
1. breast milk supplies:  I have about 900 ounces of frozen breastmilk in my freezer and in Josh's parents' freezer now. We will be getting a deep freezer from my papa's house since no one is living in it anymore. We just have to run electricity out to our storage building.

2.  Diapers:  I am still cutting patterns. I have everything cut out for my inserts and can sew them, but I think I'll wait till everything is ready to be sewn so i don't lug out the sewing machine and then have to put it back up every so often to use the space for cutting.

3. Lydia's room:  I have one wall completely done. I fixed my color screw up with the wall painting and now it is just ready for details. I still have to get a shelf for the wall with her closet on it. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a floating oak shelf about 36 inches long. Also I decided that since Lydia is too young to use her comforter and it is warm weather that I would hang her comforter on the wall over her changing table. I got the curtain rod to do that. I just have to sew a sleeve on the back of the comforter to slip it through. And I also have to make a slipcover for the rocking chair. Still a big work in progress but it is coming along good and it is now my favorite room in the house.

4. Weight loss:  I am stagnant as of right now. I still have about 5 or 6 pounds to loose to reach my goal weight, but I'll get there. In time.

Well I hope everyone has a good day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

the colic mystery solved?

Well another weekend has come and gone. It seems like it almost didn't happen it went by so quickly.

Friday went pretty well. Josh got home early because it was his last day. Yes he is officially not working for Hawkins Towing anymore. We just couldn't take the hours he was working so he found a job at Fed Ex driving for a guy there. It's something he always wanted to do and now he's doing it and I'm proud of him for making it work. Now he can be happy that he is doing something he loves and i can be happy that he will be working normal hours and will get to see the girls.

Saturday was Josh's birthday celebration day and I finally decided I was going to go, but then we realized that in order for us to get back to cook dinner and eat at a decent hour we would have to leave around 10. Well miss Delores takes a nap at 11:30 and doesn't get up till 1, so that kind of meant that I had to stay home to make sure she got her nap. Otherwise she would've gone all day with out one. So he and his dad went by themselves and they had a great time. Delores' second cousin Kayla was up from Columbia and wanted to keep her so she went with her around 2. Josh got home shortly after that and we kind of piddled around the house till it was time for me to cook. Then we had an amazing dinner and dessert.

Sunday we went to church, had lunch, went to walmart, came home and did some cleaning. We had a little scare with Delores. She was walking around eating grapes and got choked. I guess it went down the wrong way or something because she was coughing but she couldn't get it up. When Josh and I went over to help her she puked on Josh's hand. I grabbed her before she was done and kind of help her over the floor so she wouldn't puke all over her shirt and then I took her to the tub to clean her up. I was pretty impressed with the way I handled myself. I've always had a phobia of vomit, but I guess when it's your kid your instincts just kind of take over and you don't have time to think about it. After I got her all cleaned up and made sure she wasn't traumatized I cleaned up the puke. Something I never thought I would ever be able to do either. The rest of the day went good and we got to bed at a decent hour. Oh and Ava got out of the fence while we were gone. I'm not sure how. She's a digger so we keep her on a chain and everything was still intact and she was still wearing her collar, but we couldn't get her to come back in. We would call her or get close to her and she would just turn around and run. I got up this morning to feed Lydia and she still wouldn't come in at 5 am. She finally showed up at 2 pm this afternoon and she went straight in her cage without her bed. It wouldn't be such a big deal if she weren't such a bully but she prances around the neighborhood barking at neighbors in their own yards. It's so embarrassing and there is nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I really wish I could give her away but she is such a priss I doubt anyone would take her. Oh well

Delores has been very whiney lately. She throws a fit for everything and I'm starting to wonder if there is reason why. Like maybe she is get to do something other places that I won't let her do at the house. Like flipping over on the changing table or trying to take my glasses off my face or wanting to be picked up all the time or not wanting to sit in her high chair to eat. I don't know, but she is throwing fits about every 3 minutes. It really is ridiculous.

Lydia is doing much better. I finally cut my coffee out Saturday when Josh was here to help me in the morning and I could tell a huge improvement that day. That night and last night we were in bed by 10 with hardly any crying at all. Today is day 3 of no coffee so we will see how tonight goes. I cheated on my no dairy diet because Josh's birthday dinner was just one big cow product Saturday night, and I think I'm paying for it today a little.

This week I don't really have any plans. I have to make some phone calls and set up some appointments, but it should be a pretty boring week. Hope everyone else's week is as laid back as mine!

Friday, April 1, 2011

weeks update

TGIF! The week is finally almost over and I get to spend time with my family this weekend. I am so looking forward to that.

Just a quick update (or maybe not so quick if I do my normal rambling).
Monday the Prince concert was amazing although we did have a little frustration with getting in the door. My mom had to go all the way back to the car to put up her camera and I had to wait on her so we could get our tickets switch from the Bilo center's screw up. If I didn't wait on her we wouldn't have been able to sit together. After about and hour and a half after the opening act started we were finally getting to our seats and Prince was just coming out. I couldn't believe how professional it was, but it was Prince. I guess I shouldn't have expected it any other way.
Tuesday Lydia had her check up and every thing was good. She weighed 10 pounds 5 ounces and we discussed her colic. She suggested I make some fennel tea to give her ever few hours and to give her some baby probiotics a couple times a day to see if that helped. The fennel tea has seemed to help a little when I can actually get her to drink some. But she hates the taste so she only gets about a quarter of an ounce down instead of the recommended 1 ounce. We are still getting to bed pretty late, but last night she slept for 7 hours straight, so when we can actually get her to sleep she does okay. Our only other option is to take her to Dr. Stafford and get him to give her Zantax (not recommended for all colic but Amy feels she may have some acid reflux based on her BM's). I'm still not eating dairy and I'm trying really hard to cut out my coffee. So we will just wait and see I guess.
Wednesday my dad did come to clean our living room furniture and the girls' carpet. So I feel much better knowing that I, my family, and company aren't sitting on gross furniture. Especially Ava's couch. That dog stays so dirty.
Thursday Andrea, Josh's sister, came over for a little while so I could run to the store to pick up a few items for Josh's birthday dinner and dessert. I started making the dessert (oreo cheesecake) and I will finish it today.
Today I will try to prep for Josh's dinner and have all that stuff squared away so maybe I can go with him to the shooting range. I am still iffy about leaving Lydia so I'm still not sure if I am going to go. I may just have some time to myself since after today josh will no longer ever have to be on call. Which means he will be with me every weekend. Don't get me wrong I am happy about it, but it is nice to have some time to myself without worrying about pleasing everyone else.

Well Delores is done with her breakfast so I better get back to motherhood. Have a good Friday, and if I don't tell ya this weekend, have a fantastic weekend.