Saturday, February 12, 2011

1 more day!!

Well here we are at Saturday and the anticipation of this baby coming is about to kill me. I've started to find myself saying "She's never going to come." That's the way I cope with things. Think the worst so I'm pleasantly surprised when they go good. I remember thinking that way with Delores 2 weeks before she came and of course she came right on her due date at 7:35 PM. I think I've done pretty good on getting discouraged this time around and just started having these thoughts 2 days before her due date.

Yesterday was pretty interesting. Pretty ordinary like I expected, but then I started having problems with my phone after Delores got a hold of it and drooled all in the keys. It just went to sleep and wouldn't come back on. I started freaking out like "what if I go into labor? I won't be able to call anyone and I'll have this baby at home, b/c Josh is on call and he probably won't come home tonight." Crazy I know. After about an hour it finally came back on but now my keyboard only half works. Most all the keys work but one or two of them will come up with different letters and the space bar does a space and an @ symbol. I was gonna get an iphone for my birthday in exactly a month, so I guess I'll have to put up with it till then.

Another thing that happened was that a frozen jug of milk decided it would leak all inside my fridge and I noticed it when I was trying to get things ready for Delores's bedtime. Which meant that after a tiring day and doing bedtime I was going to have to clean out my fridge and Josh wasn't going to be there to help me. On top of the fact that my sink was overflowing with dishes because Josh didn't think the dishwasher was full enough to run the night before. So I became faced with all of these extra tasks added to my night when all I wanted to do was eat a quick bite (I don't cook when Josh is on call. Why slave when no one is there to enjoy it?), go lay down, and watch "Sex in the City." Nope, I had to bust my butt and kill my back before I could go lay down and then I was hurting so bad I couldn't get comfortable and then I had to get up with Delores 3 times between 7 and 10 before I finally got to go to sleep.

Last night was rough too. I don't know what is going on with Delores except for maybe she's about to cut another tooth. Until 4 AM she got up every hour on the hour wanting her paci. At 4 I gave her a bottle and I haven't heard a peep out of her since. It is displeasing (i had a teacher who hated the word "sucks," so i try not to use it much now out of habit) that Josh is on call this weekend. I got to thinking after getting up for about the 5th time that if the baby did come tonight (last night) I would be way too exhausted to go through labor and the pushing. I'm the one waiting to go through a marathon and I can't even train for it. That makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Josh didn't even get a call last night so the one who will just be there for support got a good nights sleep. That is frustrating. Being a mom is a tough job and no one knows just how tough each individual mother's job is until they do what she does everyday for, i don't know, maybe a week. I like when people acknowledge the fact that I'm a tough mom, but i hate it when people say they understand. Even if you are a mom, you don't understand. Every child is different and they all present there own difficulties so no one every really knows how tough your job is until they've lived it. Josh hasn't even watched Delores by himself for more than an hour or two, so I hate it when he says "he understands," too. He is a great dad, but he doesn't get it.

Today I hope my in laws will watch Delores for a while so I can get some rest. My nesting will probably get the best of me and I will do some laundry and organizing, but I planned way in advance to have Josh help me get this house clean before the baby comes so I really don't have much else to do. Oh I just realized I dreamed the baby was coming and I was yelling at Josh to just sweep the floors because we had to be ready. lol. The night before I dreamed I was breastfeeding our new baby. Obviously I am ready for her to be here. Maybe tonight. Maybe.

So I hope everyone has a terrific Saturday!


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